

Shipley CE is committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all our pupils.  Each pupil's welfare is of paramount importance and we expect all members of the school community to share this commitment. 

Mr G Hamilton is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).  He is supported by our deputy DSLs; Mrs N Cowen, Miss H Lennard, Miss G Drake and Mrs M Law (EYFS). They are the lead persons in our school and the people you should contact if you have concerns about a child. All of these adults are available via the school office.  

We are supported by our safeguarding governor, Mrs R Hesselwood.

Our Academy Trust, BDAT, carries out regular safeguarding audits to help us to keep our policy and practice current and to identify any areas for improvement. 

More information on the ways we keep the children in our school safe is available in our Safeguarding Policy on the School Policies page of this website. 

The Designated Teacher for looked after and previously looked after children is Mr Gavin Hamilton.


Here at Shipley CE we actively support the Prevent Agenda. 

Prevent is a Government strategy designed to prevent extremism that might lead to terrorism or support of extremist causes.  The Prevent strategy covers all forms of terrorism and extremism, including extreme right wing, left wing, animal rights, environmental and splinter groups.  More information on this strategy can be found on the link below.

Safer Bradford - Bradford Prevent

The BDAT Prevent policy can be found here.

E Safety - please see the tab in the menu on the left hand side.

Harmful Sexual Behaviour

We address harmful sexual behaviour through a whole school approach, our curriculum and our safeguarding culture which underpins everything we do.

See links for more information:

NSPCC-Understanding sexualised behaviour in children

Stop it Now-Concerned about a child or young person’s sexual behaviour?

Contact School

If you have any questions or concerns about the Prevent strategy and what it means for your child, please contact the school. 

External sources of information 

The following links may also be useful for further information: 



Parent Zone; Making the Internet work for Families


Academy Trust - Safeguarding Staff

BDAT Safeguarding Lead: Miss C Dewhurst (CEO)

Contact these people via BDAT office on 01274 909120 or email